Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Presentation Agile software development

Today its time to give a presentation about Agile software development and how we used it by the development in the project RAIS.

The project RAIS at Achmea has combined SENS (Samen Effectief Naar Succes) with Agile. We have looked at the thing SENS is giving us to work on a better way. And look backwards where we could do it better next time.

We have used a whiteboard to give everybody information who is walking on the floor to see witch work we already have done.
Thing that are put on the board are:
  • Some time management. When is witch developer not available.
  • All the tasks of the iteration and who is working on a tasks.
  • A burn down chart.
  • Some charts of the bugs who are found.
  • Feedback from the customer every 2 weeks when they have a demo.

Friday, March 18, 2011

SharePoint 2010 Training Day 5

Today the fifth day of the Developing Solutions with SharePoint 2010 training.
We discussed today chapter 12, 13 and 14.
  1. SharePoint 2010 Developer Roadmap
  2. SharePoint Foundation Development
  3. SharePoint Developer Tools in Visual Studio 2010.
  4. Creating Sandboxed Solutions
  5. Pages and Navigation
  6. Developing Web Parts
  7. Creating Fields, Site Columns & Content Types
  8. Creating Lists & Event Handlers
  9. Accessing Data using LINQ to SharePoint
  10. Client Object Model
  11. Developing SharePoint 2010 Workflows
  12. Business Connectivity Services (BCS)
  13. Web Content Management (WCM)
  14. Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
Twelfth Chapter
With the Business Connectivity Service is it possible to bring data from external systems into SharePoint and Office, interact with it, reuse it, and empower end users to gain insight into the underlying data in a reusable way. You can create a connection with some easy wizard in SharePoint designer 2010 or SharePoint Workspace 2010 or Visual Studio 2010. You can edit the items directly in SharePoint 2010 after you have render some Query's with the wizard. For the security you need to add the allowed users for editing in SharePoint 2010 Central Administrator. Because this is needed its safe to use and not all users can edit your external data.

Thirteenth Chapter and Fourteenth Chapter
I describe this two chapters together because they are very similar too each other. If you are going to create some website SharePoint give some very nice webarts to edit or create a website. SharePoint has directly a content management tools into the edit mode of a page. Something what is better in SharePoint 2010 are the Analytics options they give you. It is possible to get information of usage of pages and webparts directly in SharePoint.
It is possible to change the look and feel of the SharePoint site by editing or recreating a masterpage from the minimal.master.
Nice pages who are build in SharePoint are:
In SharePoint 2010 there are some new things added to a standard site. Tagging of sites and the i like button are items that are added. Those items give users an idea if other users like the site. The sites that are tagged or liked can come higher in the search results of the site. The tags also can help you to find similar information of a project or product on the site.
New in SharePoint 2010 is the Document Sets with can be used as an folder in a list. It is possible to send a link to a other user like you already could do by a file. It's now also possible to make an unique Id for a document or set. Those unique id's are needed if you need to save contracts digital and you need to let see that the documents not are changed.

This day was the end of my training by Twice.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

SharePoint 2010 Training Day 4

Today the fourth day of the Developing Solutions with SharePoint 2010 training.
We discussed today chapter 10, 11 and 12.
  1. SharePoint 2010 Developer Roadmap
  2. SharePoint Foundation Development
  3. SharePoint Developer Tools in Visual Studio 2010.
  4. Creating Sandboxed Solutions
  5. Pages and Navigation
  6. Developing Web Parts
  7. Creating Fields, Site Columns & Content Types
  8. Creating Lists & Event Handlers
  9. Accessing Data using LINQ to SharePoint
  10. Client Object Model
  11. Developing SharePoint 2010 Workflows
  12. Business Connectivity Services (BCS)
  13. Web Content Management (WCM)
  14. Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
Tenth Chapter
There are 3 different Client Object Models. Each Client Object Model is created for a other language, .NET, Silverlight, EXMAScript (Javascript). The client object model provides an abstraction layer so process off the SharePoint server can interact with SharePoint using a consistent API that is very closely matched to the familiar server API.













The Member names mostly the same from server to client. "SPWeb.QuickLaunchEnabled = Web.QuickLaunchEnabled"

The diagram displays how the transport mechanism works.
Before you execute the ExecuteQuery method, you need to indicate which data you want to retrieve from the server. You van use the ClientContext.Load method for this purpose. You cannot only retrieve data using the ClientOM, but you also create object using specific classes.
  • ListCreationInformation:
    - using this class to create a new list. You can set properties like Title and TemplateType before calling the web.Lists.Add method, pasasing the ListCreationInformation object as argument.
  • ListItemCreationInformation
    - using this class to create a new list item on an existing list. The AddItem method on the List object accepts the ListItemCreationINformation argument and returns the new item of type ListItem. You van fill out the list item using the listItem["Title"] syntax for the different columns on the list, and calling the Update() method on the list item.
  • WebCreationInformation:
    - if you want to create a new SharePoint site, instantiate an object of the type and pass it to the Webs.Add method of a Web object.
  • NavigationNodeCreationInformation
    - use this class to create a new navigation node.
Eleventh Chapter
In SharePoint 2007 you can attach workflows to list items and documents. Additionally, in SharePoint 2010 you can add workflows to document sets and sites. If you look in SharePoint 2010 to the monitoring of the workflow process you can see a nice picture of which path the workflow has taken to complete.
New in 2010 is that you can use Visio to build the first workflow. Your manager can build the screens en export it for you. You can import it into SharePoint Designer 2010 en edit it further. On your time you can edit it in Visual Studio 2010 to fine tune it for the SharePoint site or list you are going to add the workflow.

Twelfth Chapter
This chapter we have got the theory. Tomorrow we have to do the labs so a write something about this chapter tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

SharePoint 2010 Training Day 3

Today the third day of the Developing Solutions with SharePoint 2010 training.
We discussed today chapter 7, 8 and 9.
  1. SharePoint 2010 Developer Roadmap
  2. SharePoint Foundation Development
  3. SharePoint Developer Tools in Visual Studio 2010.
  4. Creating Sandboxed Solutions
  5. Pages and Navigation
  6. Developing Web Parts
  7. Creating Fields, Site Columns & Content Types
  8. Creating Lists & Event Handlers
  9. Accessing Data using LINQ to SharePoint
  10. Client Object Model
  11. Developing SharePoint 2010 Workflows
  12. Business Connectivity Services (BCS)
  13. Web Content Management (WCM)
  14. Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
Seventh Chapter
This chapter shows us how we can create field, site columns & content types. If you need to create a site column with a feature you need to give the fields an unique id by a GUID. We have seen how you can create fields, site columns and content types by a xml file and in the browser with an user interface.
If you create a custom field control you need to create a rendering control and field values of the control in classes and usercontrols. It is also possible to create a Mobile Rendering control that works for a mobile phone. The usercontrol needs a tag for wich you have to set the ID attribute to a unique value. The FieldRenderingControl property you need to override in the custom field type.
Reviewing all the Moving Parts.
  • Field type class (ie: SPFieldText)
    - Contains definition of custom field type
  • Field value class (ie: SPFieldMultiColumnValue)
    - Contains custom data structure serialization / deserialization
  • Field Control class (ie: BaseFieldControl)
    - Contains Server-side logic for the rendering contgrol
  • Field control rendering (ie: litware.ascx)
    - ASXC file containing new / edit form
  • Field type definition (ie: fldtype_Litware.xml)
    - Contains definition and metadata of the field type

Eighth Chapter
The most parts of this chapter are the same as in SharePoint 2007. Something that is added to the events are the WebAdding, WebProvisioned, ListAdding, ListAdded, ListDeleting and the ListDeleted events. The "-ing" events are triggerd before the action and the "-ed" events are triggerd after the the action. You can use the AfterProperties or BeforProperties in the events to get information of the changed or changing fields.

Ninth Chapter
New in SharePoint 2010 is LINQ to SharePoint. Before you can use LINQtoSharePoint you need to use SPMetal.exe to create DataContext class. This class you need to import in your project and you can use LINQ within your project. If you make a chang in the SP lists or Type you need to run again SPMetal.exe.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

SharePoint 2010 Training Day 2

Today the second day of the Developing Solutions with SharePoint 2010 training.
We discussed today chapter 4, 5 and 6.
  1. SharePoint 2010 Developer Roadmap
  2. SharePoint Foundation Development
  3. SharePoint Developer Tools in Visual Studio 2010.
  4. Creating Sandboxed Solutions
  5. Pages and Navigation
  6. Developing Web Parts
  7. Creating Fields, Site Columns & Content Types
  8. Creating Lists & Event Handlers
  9. Accessing Data using LINQ to SharePoint
  10. Client Object Model
  11. Developing SharePoint 2010 Workflows
  12. Business Connectivity Services (BCS)
  13. Web Content Management (WCM)
  14. Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
Fourth Chapter
In this chapter we discussed about Sanboxed Solutions. SharePoint 2010 makes it possible to deploy and maintained customizations at site collection level. Because it's possible to deploy on the site collection level we don't need the administrator to deploy. We can do it if we are a site collection owner. A sandboxed solution can do most things we also can with a full solution, as long as it scoped to the site collection where the solution is deployed. A restriction of using Sandboxed solution is that we cannot access external data from web services or databases. You can use in a Sandboxed solution a subset of the SPSite Object Model, excluded SPSecurity, SPSite construction an no access to Web application or farm.
SharePoint 2010 monitored the Sandboxed Solution. With different Metrics the solution can get points. Those points grow every time a actions is started. By default there is a maximum of 300 points. If the solution reach the 300 point the solution is turned down for the rest of the day. A list of how you get the points is listed in the table below.
Resource Description Units Resources per Point Limit
AbnormalProcessTerminationCount Abnormally terminated process count 1 1
CPUExecutionTime CPU Execution Time for site seconds 3,600 60
CriticalExceptionCount Critical Exception Events Events 10 3
InvocationCount Solution Invocation Events Events

PercentProcessorTime % CPU usage by solution % 85 100
ProcessCPUCycles Solution CPU cycles cycles 1 x10^11 1 x10^11
ProcessHandleCount Windows handles count items 10,000 1,000
ProcessIOBytes Windows handles count items 0 1 x10^8
ProcessThreadCount Thread count in overall process Thread instances 10,000 200
ProcessVirtualBytes Memory consumed Bytes 0 1.0x10^9
SharePointDatabaseQueryCount Number of SharePoint database queries Query instances 20 100
SharePointDatabaseQueryTime Elapsed time to execute query seconds 120 60
UnhandledExceptionCount Number of unhandled exceptions Unhandled exception instances 50 3
UnresponsiveProcessCount Number of unresponsive processes Unresponsive process instances 2 1

A view of the monitoring screen.

Fifth Chapter
In SharePoint 2010 there is some changes in the Master page. In 2007 we had a "default.master" for the site pages and a "*.master" in the _layouts hive for the application pages. The changes in SharePoint 2010 is that we use for the v3 UI a "default.master", and for the v4 UI a new master page named "v4.master". If you want to make your own master page SharePoint 2010 delivered a "minimal.master" file where only the minimal placeholders are added so you can change it how you want.

The most important
tags in "v4.master" are:
  • s4-ribbonrow: this is the container for the server ribbon and the site actions menu.
  • s4-titlerow: this is the container for the title, tags and main navigation.
  • s4-leftpanel: this is the container for the left navigation and displays the Quick Launch.
  • mso-contenttable: this is the container for the content of the page instance.
To add a custom action to the Site Administration in Site Settings you can add some CustomAction element to the "elements.xml". Information you need to add in the CustomAction element are a Id, GroupId, Location, Richts, Sequence, Title, Description and in the element you can add a UrlAction element with an url. There are some more items you can fill in the element, if you want to know with see: "http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms460194.aspx". It is also possible to build your custom action in codebehind and add it to the flyout menu.

If you add a Customized site pages it runs in Safe Mode. Those Customized site pages don't support inline code. You van only add controls that are registered as Safe Controls in the web.config. If you add a Module section in the "elements.xml" and put in a set of File elements each File element provisions a instance of a page.

Finally the last part of this chapter. New in SharePoint 2010 is the Ribbon and you can extend the Ribbon with customactions. On the same way as you add Custom Actions to the Site Settings you can add customactions to the ribbon. For the button on the Ribbon you need to define a CommandUIHandler that specifies the name of the Command and the javascript to execute or you have to create a custom page component with JavaScript that executes the necessary JavaScript and eventually executes calls to the server.
You can send a message to the statusbar or notification area of the Ribbon. If you want to use those elements you have to use some javascript calls like:
SP.UI.Status.addStatus('Hello World Status Message'); // shows the status bar
SP.UI.Notify.addNotification('Hello World Notification Message'); // shows the notification area

Sixth Chapter
In this chapter we discussed how to make Custom Web Parts. Most of this chapter was already in SharePoint 2007 and we looked only as a reminder to this part.

Monday, March 14, 2011

SharePoint 2010 Training Day 1

Today the first day of the Developing Solutions with SharePoint 2010 training.
We had got today 3 of the 14 chapters.
  1. SharePoint 2010 Developer Roadmap
  2. SharePoint Foundation Development
  3. SharePoint Developer Tools in Visual Studio 2010.
  4. Creating Sandboxed Solutions
  5. Pages and Navigation
  6. Developing Web Parts
  7. Creating Fields, Site Columns & Content Types
  8. Creating Lists & Event Handlers
  9. Accessing Data using LINQ to SharePoint
  10. Client Object Model
  11. Developing SharePoint 2010 Workflows
  12. Business Connectivity Services (BCS)
  13. Web Content Management (WCM)
  14. Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
First Chapter
In the first chapter the trainer has talked about the Architecture of SharePoint 2010. He also told us what the is difference of the Architecture of SharePoint 2007 and SharePoint 2010.
Something what was new for me was the PowerShell Primer that can be very useful to create some installing packages of an environment system. PowerShell is like a DOS-promt screen. You can use commands to read from a SharePoint Farm. What lists are there, witch services are installed. But also to install parts on your farm and activate them. The trainer told us that we use PowerShell on every lab to configure a default situation.
As Last in this chapter said something about the SharePoint Designer 2010 that can be used to see a summary of page or SharePoint objects.

Second Chapter
The second chapter brings information how the Server-side Object Model looked like.
It also said how we can use The Developer Dashboard so we can find with calls where make and what time it cost to run each call.
The book also told something about Developing of Features and Solutions. New in SharePoint 2010 are the Sandboxed Solutions. We had looked how the 14 hive looked like and where all the files where placed. Looked like some xml files give us some information witch information is needed in the feature.xml, element.xml and the manifest.xml.
A new item in a feature solution is that is is possible to upgrade a feature. By adding Upgradeactions in the feature.xml it is possible to configure witch features has to be upgraded. By running a PowerShell script it is possible to activate a upgrade action.

Third Chapter
The third chapter of today has talked about introduction of some SharePoint 2010 Tools, How to create a SharePoint 2010 project, Adding SPIs to a SharePoint project and SharePoint Tools Extensibility.

The first day was very interesting and i like it that we have tomorrow an other day of SharePoint 2010

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